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Showing posts from September, 2023


 This is my third McClelland slowly getting there. I'm using doubled riata or nylon webbing for straps, it holds up better in this weather and allows me to use some color and contrast. Este es el tercer silla de este estillo que hice. Estoy usando doble riata, parece que dura mas que el cuero y viene en diferente colores.
 Nothing like I had stateside, but my first machine in Colombia. I had to modify it to stitch heavier leather. It has a digital motor, but no speed reducer since I can't get one here. I took the large wheel off a pedal machine and put it for my belt drive, now I can sew super slow and still have torque. Mi primer maquina en Colombia. Nada que ver con las maquinas que yo tenia en Estados Unidos, pero cose bien. The famous hand crank Chinese patcher. These machines are rough when you get them, but if you get one dailed in they're well worth the money. Otrra maquina China. Muy basico, sin motor, pero cose bien. The famous Pfaff 469. Not really a leather machine, but will sew medim and light leather. I use this machine for sewing belts and nylon straps. Agood machine has sealed bearings that never need oiling. La famosa Pfaff 469. Buena maquina que uso para coser cinturones y correas.
Una silla Mexicano con la cabeza cortado. A Mexican saddle tree that I removed the  head for the customer.  

Cliente esperando

 Un caballo afrente el negocio con todo su equipo nuevo. A horse newly outfitted in front of the shop
 Alfombras, Jakimas, tereque sinthetico Mesace y Tereque traditinal en cuero, Here are some of the saddle blankets we make along with bridles, and a couple of our saddles.

El Gringo Talabartero

 As far as I know I'm the only gringo saddle maker here in Colombia. My shop is located in Silvania, Cundinamarca. Here you can find anything you may need for your horse plus lots of other leather items. In the store is a complete shop where I make saddles as well as repair them. I usually have at least fifteen saddles in stock as well as all types of tack. I came to Colombia three years ago with the idea of retiring here. After discovering that leather was readily available I broke out my tools and jumped back into leathercrafting. In the States saddle making is really tough because of the cost of goods and the competition from cheap saddles imported from India. So in the States I mainly did repairs, but here the cost of goods is so low I'm able to make saddles and effectively compete in the market.  Buenvenido a el Website de Wild West Leather. El negocio estas en Silvania, Cundinamarca Colombia. Aca vendemos y fabricamos todo que necesitan los caballistas. El negocio es una...