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Showing posts from June, 2024

Life of the Saddle maker in Colombia

 Making saddles in a foreign country is no easy thing. Just buying supplies by itself is an adventure. I booard a bus for the big city Bogota. It's a two hour ride. Once I get off the bus I walk three blocks to the transmileno station, which is a cross between a bus and a train. It's three buses conected like a train Here you're packed like sardines. My stop is the last stop about 45 minutes. Here I get off at bicentenario park in the heart of central. Central is like the old downtown. This part of bogota is like San Francisco full off bums, drug addicts and thieves. Walking around here you need to be aware of your surroundings. It's a about 15 blocks to the wholesaler that sells all the saddle hardware. Once I buy everything I need I grab a taxi and head tto resstrepo, another part of the city where I buy my leather. It takes 15 to 20 minutes depending on traffic. In restrepo I buy my leather, glue, dye, etc. Restrepo is like ten blocks of leather and leather supplies,...

Nueva Tereque

Este Tereque 650,000 pesos Colombianos  

Silla tradicional disponible

Este silla 410,000 peso Colombianos. En el taller en Silvania.  

Colombian Cabalgata

New Traditional saddle  

Tereque Saddles


The Shop mascot


New Saddle McClelland style

New saddle with removable seat pad. Nueva Tereque