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Showing posts from November, 2023

Aquadiente holder

 Drinking while you ride is a popular past time here in Colombia, so I made some aquadiente holders that hang off the saddle. Cartuchos para botella de aquadiente para tu montura

Mexican style saddle / silla Mexicano

  Something different, thick padding in blue with 2 tone double nylon straps. Algo diferente Silla con alto espuma en azul, doble riata en dos tonos

Silla Campesino/ inexpensive working saddle

Here's a working saddle like they use in llaanos cow country in Colombia. The tree has no padding on the seat, just a bare tree with a pad on top. This saddle is super simple, easy to maintain and cheap.  It has a stainless steel horn, rawhide wrapped and double nylon straps. Una silla campestre, estilo Llanos. Bien sencilla, con cabeza de acero inoxidable con cuero crudo. Todas las correas son doble riata en dos colores. 350,000 mil pesos Colombianos