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Silla Campesino/ inexpensive working saddle

Here's a working saddle like they use in llaanos cow country in Colombia. The tree has no padding on the seat, just a bare tree with a pad on top. This saddle is super simple, easy to maintain and cheap.  It has a stainless steel horn, rawhide wrapped and double nylon straps. Una silla campestre, estilo Llanos. Bien sencilla, con cabeza de acero inoxidable con cuero crudo. Todas las correas son doble riata en dos colores. 350,000 mil pesos Colombianos  

Latest Saddle

 My latest saddle a Mexican style tree with a lot of cushion Colombian style.

Bare bones saddle / Silla desnuda

 This saddle was a repair. It's as simple as they get, saddle tree a piece of leather for the seat and the bottom covered in felt. So simple I decided to make one. This is a working saddle for ranch hands that need a cheap saddle here in Colombia. When I finish one I'll post pictures. However, my tree will be black. Este fue una reparacion. Una silla tan basico , solo el fuste, un pedaso de cuero en la silla  y las argoyas. Este tipo de silla que usan los campesinos que no tienen plata para algo mejor. Voy hacer uno igual en ls proximos dias. El mio va hacer negro.

Fender in progress / guarda baro en processo

 Carving fenders. Flowers were never my strong point and leather here is not the best for carving< but I do what I can. I was always better at figure carving.  Unos guarda barros que estoy haciendo. Mi fuerte no son las flores, tengo que practicar mas.

Saddle Trees / Fustes

 In the States the most popular saddle trees are wood wrapped in rawhide. Here in Colombia the wooden tree quality is way below the american trees. The rawhide is not sealed well leaving gaps of exposed wood, this results in water penetrating and causing mold. Another problem is termites which will attack the exposed wood. Here in Colombia I only use plastic trees like the U.S Ralides, they're stronger and not affected by mold, rot or termites. Top photo is the plastic  tree practically indestructible . Bottom photos wooden tree  lots of gaps where water can get in. Solo uso los fustes de plastico aca en Colombia. Fustes de madera aca estan hechos en un baja calidad. Se da`nan con el humidad y gorgojos.